Coastal Canine Daycare
About Our Daycare
Coastal Canine Daycare is a family run dog daycare that focuses on socialization with physical and mental enrichment. Our mission is to provide our customers with a fun, friendly, safe, and clean environment for your pet! From the moment you walk in the door, we will treat you and your pet as part of the family.
Your pet will be well cared for by one of our trained staff members. During the day, we work to have a stress free environment so that your dog enjoys their day. You can expect your pet to engage with humans and dogs alike. They are able to romp and play on our slides, take a dip in the pool, or sit and relax. We also have snuffle rugs, puzzle toys, and other fun activities to work their brains! During the day, the dogs take at least two rest times without crates. These rest times are necessary to recharge!
We work hard to continue our education as well, attending different seminars and classes to improve our staff and environment. Our goal is to keep up with the most up to date practices and keep advancing our skill. We want you to feel comfortable while they're with us, knowing that your pet is in good hands.
Our Team
Meet the Coastal Canine Family!
K9 Counselor
K9 Counselor
K9 Counselor
K9 Supervisor
K9 Counselor
Our Team
Meet the Coastal Canine Family!